Hi, I'm Jen​
Helping women breakthrough the
emotional blocks holding them back from
the next level of business growth.
Unhook from nagging self-doubt and overwhelm.
Move forward with confidence and clarity.

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed and need clarity?​​
Do you feel like you're meant for more yet you're struggling to reach that next level and feel stuck, frustrated and alone?
Maybe you're unsure how to unhook from limiting beliefs..
Perhaps you’re losing sleep and feeling uncertain..
Or you have self-doubt creeping in..
And you're just unsure what needs to change in order to achieve your next goal, as if a glass wall's stopping your progress?​
It can be lonely at the top... with no one to bounce your ideas with... or sound board what to do next, in order to gain clarity. That's where a mindset mentor can help you.
​So if you are feeling frustrated and you want to stop the self-doubt and start the self-belief, download this free guide “3 Hidden Blocks Stopping Your Next Level of Business Growth & How to Fix It”.​
How I Can Help You
I was once asked "How do you know how a coaching session will run when you have so many techniques and modalities?"
​I've used all these techniques and healing modalities on myself because over the years I've had challenges in my own business, mindset, relationships, emotions, health... and every time I've had an ah-ha moment that helped shift my perspective or give me insight and clarity into what makes me tick (or what held me back!).
So when I meet a client and they verbally and emotionally share their vulnerabilities around their business, it's usually not an issue in the business itself, but a block within themselves (or another area of life that's impacting them) which I often resonate with.
I then pull from my experiences and use the 'technique in my toolbox' that helped me unhook, and I use this to shed light where it’s needed with my clients so that they can experience a big shift in their inner world in order to create a better, happier outer world.
Book a strategy call with me so that you can tell me what's going on for you, plus to find out if it resonates for us to work together.​​
Who do I help?
I help women in business who are stuck trying to reach that next level of result and who are struggling with self-doubt, or nagging inner thoughts. Oftentimes that is paired with feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with the desire to break free and feel confident, happy and focused again.
How do my clients feel after working together?
These mum-preneurs, solopreneurs, not-feeling-so-boss-babes say they leave their sessions feeling confident and excited again, while also having the clarity and focus on how to move forward (within themselves and in their businesses). These may sound like cheesy and seemingly over-used words, yet these are exactly the most common terms they share with me.

What Qualifies Me To Help You
Skills | Certifications | Qualifications
​A culmination of over the last 25 years in businesses and pivoting from the IT industry; to building a property portfolio and coaching investors; running a health & wellness business and coaching associates across 8 countries for 10 years; dancing at the World Salsa Championships 2007 (big mindset shift here); and helping people attain finance to buy property as their mortgage adviser until I sold that business.
​Behind the scenes in those ventures I've also personally invested in myself by getting coached and mentored for my own business and mindset, while also training in other modalities such as:
ICF Internationally Certified Results Coach
IAPC&M Certified Expert Coach
NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming
BodyTalk healing system
EFT Emotional Freedom Therapy
Angelic Reiki
...and many more that filled my cup

Let's Connect
Book your free 45 minute strategy call and I look forward to assisting you to make a shift.
Contact Details
Phone Number: +64 21 800 546
Email: jen@makeshifthappen.co.nz